English Language Course

Brighthillcollege > English Language Course

Bright Hill International Qualification:

Bright hill international qualifications are designed for candidates who are not native speakers of English and who wish to achieve high quality , internationally recognized qualification in English that is both available and recognized worldwide and covers the whole range up to the highest level. They are suitable for candidates who are preparing for entry to higher education or professional employment in the UK or elsewhere. Bright hill international qualifications are designed to reference the description of language proficiency in the common European framework reference for languages.


Certificate in Bright Hill internal Qualification is designed for all “non-native English ” speakers that are required to improve their English language skills. Candidates taking certificates in Bright hill International college will need to demonstrate that they can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a view point on a typical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Candidates’ responses will be at a level of language that would be expected on the common European framework of work references for languages.

Candidate Category:

Candidates interested in taking certificate in Bright Hill international college may include these:

  1. Needing a starting point in order to work towards a qualification in English.
  2. Working or seeking work in an English speaking environment.
  3. Living and working in a country where the native and official language is English.

Candidates who take Certificate in Bright hill international are made up of a range of different national and cultural backgrounds.

English Language Course

Entry Requirement:

There are no entry requirements for candidates upon taking this qualification, including prior knowledge, levels of understanding and areas of familiarity. It is also not necessary for candidates to have achieved a qualification in English prior to registering. However, LRN would recommend that candidates are well prepared before taking this test.

Language of Assessment:

Our aim is to use English that is plain, clear, free from bias and appropriate to all candidates. ICA will ensure the assessment materials, stimuli and the assessment itself are carried out in English.

Qualification Features:

English Language Certificate in Bright hill International is a four language skill qualification which assesses for sub skills of the English Language: reading, listening, speaking and writing. The information below is breakdown of English Certificate in Bright hill International college qualifications features.

Registration fee: £200
Tuition fee: £4500
Location: On Campus Ilford


Duration: 16 minutes

SectionTasks and Functions
Section 1Introduction based on familiar topics. The examiner asks candidates questions about themselves. 2-3 minutes.
Section 2Topic presentation (1 minute) based on a prepared topic followed by a comment and brief conversation – 6-7 minutes
Section 3Longer turn in response to Examiner’s follow up questions- 6 minutes
Skill Tested

  • Express statements of fact
  • Give factual accounts and explanations
  • Give personal information
  • Present information and ideas in logical sequence
  • Include details and develop ideas where appropriate
  • Take part in social interaction
  • Express, and ask about feeling, likes/dislikes, viewpoints and opinions
  • Give an account/narrate events in the past
  • Relate to speak others
  • Involve other people in discussion


Duration: 60 minutes

SectionTasks and Functions
Section 1Informal letter/e-mail (90-110 words)
Section 2Choose one topic from three: informal correspondence, creative story and essay. (100-120 words)
Skill Tested

  • Apply appropriate planning strategies
  • Select how much to write and level of details to include
  • Structure texts sequentially and coherently
  • Select format and appropriate structure for different purposes
  • Use proof reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for general meaning and accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation
  • Write using complex sentences
  • Use sentence grammar accurate to achieve purpose
  • Use punctuation to aid clarity and meaning
  • Apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spellings


Duration: 20 minutes, number of Questions: 10

SectionTasks and Functions
Section 19 short conversations (multiple choice out of 3)
Section 24 longer conversations (multiple choice out of 3)
Skill Tested

  • Extract information from texts of varying length
  • Listen for grammatical and phonological detail
  • Length for gist and specific information
  • Recognize a variety of feelings and viewpoints expressed by the speaker

Reading and use of English

Duration 60 minutes, Number of Questions: 40

SectionTasks and Functions
Section 1 & 23 texts (multiple choice out of 3), 20 questions
Section 3 & 4Use of English (cloze test/multiple choice out of 3), 20 questions
Skill Tested

  • Extract the main points and ideas, and predicts words from context
  • Use skimming, scanning, and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
  • Use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with on knowledge and experience to predict meanings and to predict meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
  • Recognize and understand the vocabulary associated with different types of texts, using appropriate strategies to work without meaning
  • Recognize and understand an increasing range of vocabulary applying knowledge of word structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowing


Examiners are allowed to mark the writing and speaking components in Bright hill international. Marks are allocated in the certificate according to the marking scheme for writing and speaking. The timescale will issue its results between 4- weeks (upon receiving the candidates result from test centers).

Reading and Listening:

The marking of reading and listening certificate in bright hill international are completed by clerical markers using answer keys for question paper. To ensure standardization for each exam, the reading and listening clerical markers completed induction training followed by standardization exercises prior to each paper(where required). Moderate results are then forwarded to the lead moderator for final approval.

Speaking and Writing:

Speaking examination is conducted by a trained examiner and is recorded on Dictaphone. Marks are allocated for speaking and writing skill to each candidate in certificate in Bright hill international college marks scheme. Speaking sub skills are assessed in pairs, where there are odd numbers of registered candidates, the dummy candidates will be used as a pair candidate. Candidates will receive pre-released speaking topics5 working days prior to exam from their center. Results are then moderated by the Moderation team in accordance with Moderation policy. Moderated results are then forwarded to leader Moderator for final approval.


Results are reported as distinction, merit, pass or fail grades.

Minimum Marks require (Overall)Grade